Join the ILC Regional Networks
The International Learning Collaborative is encouraging ILC members to join the ILC Regional Fundamentals of Care (FoC) Regional Networks.
The purpose of the ILC FoC Regional Networks is to provide more platforms for those who are passionate about quality patient-focused care to share ideas, learn together, and advocate locally, nationally and regionally, as a collective of professionals and committed organisations.
The Americas (North and South)
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Asia Pacific
These three ILC Regional FoC Networks will enable ILC Members to interact at a more local level and provide mentoring and support for training, opportunities for collaborative research and advocacy for the implementation of fundamental care. Within similar time zones, there can be real time interactions and opportunities for:
- Producing locally relevant FoC resources
- Assisting with language/translation of key resources to increase accessibility
- Exploring regional health system distinctions that are barriers or enablers for FoC
- Arranging local professional development, mentoring and training
- Hosting regional conferences, workshops, seminars and events that meet local needs
You can register today to join your regional network:
Register for ILC Regional Network: The Americas
Register for ILC Regional Network: Europe, Middle East & Africa
Register for ILC Regional Network: Asia Pacific