NZ Leadership Program Attendee Information (1) Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Organisation(Required)Position TitleAre you an ILC Member?(Required)YesNoDo you have any dietary requirements?How familiar do you believe you are with the FoC Framework?Not at allHeard of it but have not engaged with it muchHave read the literature but want to know moreQuite familiar and have started to think about using itVery familiar and am using it in practice/education/policy settingHow likely are you to complete the pre-readings?Not likely to read/review any – will not have the timeWill skim through some or allLikely to read/review some in depthWill read or review most or allWhat are you hoping to achieve by attending the Leadership Program? Gain a deeper understanding of the FoC and the evidence supporting it as a strategy for improving outcomes and patient experiences Develop my abilities in leading change within a complex organisation/system Meet other healthcare leaders to share experiences and develop my network more broadly Have quarantined time to reflect on the opportunities for improving care Work on an idea for quality improvement and tackling a key challenge Other What, if any, specific challenge or project do you have in mind to explore after the Leadership Program?Would you be interested in attending a complimentary networking event on Tuesday 29 October from 6-8pm with other program attendees?YesNoMaybe